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  • skateboarding

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ted Post

  1. The organization of the TED website is to incorperate new sciences and new designs to help people try to change the world for a better place were we are more enviromentally friendly and technologically smarter.
  2. Their purpose of the website is to incoperate natural science and technology in order to create a more natural and enviromentally friendly world that is also technologically andvanced, their website does a great job of this by giving links to science videos and technology videos.
  3. The sections that relate to us engineers are technology, science, and design sections.
  4. Michael Pawlyn Using Nature's Genius in Architecture, we would use this video because you use architecture and design elements in engineering. Cynthia Breazeal The Rise of Personal Robots, we would use this because the thought and the design elements that go into making a robot are those that we use. Thomas Thwaits How I Built a Toaster -- From Scratch, would apply to us because we as engineer's build things from scratch and use design elements to create objects.
  • This video uses the idea of creating one building that deposits its waste and on the wastes way to another building it would be turned into organic material and the other building could use it.
  • Also, it talks about how everything is connected and how we can create a never ending cycle of life and death and can incoperate it to perserve life and help the world.
6. I can get involved by helping to create a building or an abject that helps to preserve our enviroment and to help mankind become a more natural and enviromentally friendly world.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a really interesting video. Good job putting a link in... can you figure out how to embed the video?

    Which video did your group choose? What was your team's reasoning on choosing that over this?

    PS- Please turn off word verification on your comments!!!
